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Showing posts with label Prophets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophets. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December 31 -- "The Full Tithe"

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Today's Reading: Malachi 3 & 4

In the closing chapters of the Old Testament, God uses the prophet Malachi to deliver an urgent call to His people. He urges them to return to Him, promising rich blessings for their faithfulness and warning of judgment for their unfaithfulness. The message is clear: The Lord deeply desires a genuine relationship with His people. He invites them—and us—to honor Him, promising blessings for those who do.

Malachi 3:10 offers a powerful in invitation from God, asking His people to test His faithfulness by bringing the "full tithe" into the storehouse. It underscores the principle of trusting God with our resources, promising that He will "open the windows of heaven" and pour out abundant blessings. This verse highlights God’s challenge to His people to rely on Him fully and witness His provision. It's one of the few places in Scripture where God invites us to test Him, emphasizing His desire to bless those who trust and obey Him.

The Israelites were guilty of offering less than the full one-tenth of their increase ("tithe"), essentially shortchanging God. This disobedience showed a lack of trust in His provision and a failure to honor Him properly. God’s command to bring the whole tithe is a call to faithfulness and an invitation to experience His abundant blessings.

God's invitation to bring the full tithe not only promises abundant blessings but also reveals His desire for our total commitment. The word "full" signifies giving God our whole devotion, holding nothing back. God isn't interested in partial offerings or half-hearted devotion. He calls us to trust Him completely by bringing the entire tithe, showing our reliance on His provision. To live “holy” for God is to live “wholly” for God!

However, be cautious. Some misunderstand this verse as a formula for personal gain, thinking if I give, I will get. While it's true that you can't outgive our gracious and generous God, this verse isn't a map to personal wealth. The blessings He promises from your "full" devotion may not come as money or material wealth. But you can surely expect "every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ" (Ephesians 1:3).

Reflect on the areas of your life where you can more fully surrender to God. Are there aspects of your time, talents, treasure, or personal ambitions you've been withholding? Don't shortchange the Lord. Embrace the call to give your whole self to God.

May you go beyond financial offerings, and dedicate your time, talents, relationships, vocation, and entire being to His service. And, as you surrender every part of your life, may you experience deeper intimacy with God and the abundant life found only in Him.

Monday, December 30, 2024

December 30 -- "Marriage—A Three-Way Bond"

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Today's Reading: Malachi 2

Marriage is more than a human contract; it is a sacred covenant designed by God for His glory and our good. In Malachi 2:15, the prophet asks, “Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union?” This highlights marriage as a divinely established bond where God seeks godly offspring and faithful devotion to Him.

The phrase "a portion of the Spirit in their union" highlights God's active role in the covenant of marriage. It suggests that the union between husband and wife is not merely a two-person relationship, but a three-way bond infused with God's Holy Spirit. This "portion of the Spirit" points to the divine blessing and empowerment given to the couple, enabling them to reflect God's image through their relationship.

A marriage infused with God's Spirit is a glimpse of Heaven on Earth. When God's Spirit is present in a marriage, the relationship transcends human effort and becomes a reflection of divine love, grace, and unity.

Malachi goes on to rebuke the people of Israel for their unfaithfulness, both to God and their spouses. The Lord reminds them that marriage is a union the Lord created for a holy purpose. The "oneness" of marriage reflects God’s design from the beginning (Genesis 2:24). It is meant to be a relationship of loyalty, love, and spiritual unity. When couples abandon this covenant, it dishonors God and disrupts His purpose for their lives.

For believers, this truth is a reminder to rely on the Holy Spirit in their marriage. It encourages couples to pray for the Spirit’s presence in their relationship, seek His guidance in challenges, and lean on Him for strength to honor the sacredness of their bond. Marriage is not meant to be lived out in mere human strength but with the divine portion of God’s Spirit empowering the union.

May the Lord bless your relationships with faithfulness, love, and His abiding Spirit. May He draw you closer to Him and to each other, and may your life together shine as a testimony of His unfailing love.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

December 29 -- "Fatherly Respect"

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Today's Reading: Malachi 1

God, as our Heavenly Father, deserves the highest honor and respect. In Malachi 1—the final Book of the Old Testament—God is grieved over being treated without the honor and respect due to a father or master, questioning why His people fail to recognize His rightful place in their lives. This verse challenges us to evaluate our attitude and actions toward the One who created and redeemed us.

In Malachi's day, sons honored their fathers through obedience, respect, and honoring their father's authority. This would include listening to their guidance, working diligently in the family business or inheritance, and carrying out the family responsibilities.

The priests in Malachi's time dishonored God through halfhearted offerings and careless worship. Though they claimed to serve Him, their actions spoke of indifference. God’s rebuke reminds us that His fatherhood is not merely a title—it demands reverence. Jesus echoed this truth when He taught His disciples to pray, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed [holy and sacred] be your name” (Matthew 6:9). Respect for God is foundational to our relationship with Him, expressed through obedience, reverence, and wholehearted devotion.

As Christ’s followers, we honor God as our Father by giving Him the reverence, obedience, and devotion He deserves. This includes obeying His Word, aligning our lives with His commandments, and demonstrating our trust and love. We offer Him wholehearted worship, not just in church but in every aspect of life, through sincere prayer, praise, and service.

Honoring God means giving Him our best—our time, talents, and treasures—prioritizing Him above all else. We also reflect His character by living in a way that upholds His holiness, love, and authority. We truly acknowledge this authority by humbly submitting to His will, trusting His plans, and seeking His kingdom first. In these ways, we show that we truly recognize and honor Him as our loving Father, worthy of all respect, gratitude, and praise.

Choose today to live in a way that honors your heavenly Father. Evaluate your heart and your habits. Are you giving God your best, or settling for less? Let your reverence for Him shape your priorities, decisions, and devotion.

May the Lord open your eyes to His worthiness and fill your heart with awe and gratitude. As you walk in His ways, may your life bring Him the honor He deserves, reflecting the beauty of a child who loves and respects their Father.

Monday, December 2, 2024

December 2 -- "On That Day"

 Today's Reading: Zechariah 13 & 14

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Today's reading from the prophet Zechariah is a breathtaking masterpiece, a divine canvas painted with the vibrant colors of hope and victory! Picture this: our magnificent Lord, standing tall on the Mount of Olives, His feet firmly planted, ready to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. And from the heart of Jerusalem, a mighty river flows, a life-giving stream that quenches every thirst and revitalizes every soul.

Zechariah, the prophet, paints a vivid picture of this divine restoration. This river, a symbol of the Holy Spirit, flows ceaselessly, both summer and winter, east and west. It's a constant reminder of God's unwavering love and abundant grace, pouring out like a waterfall of blessings. This echoes the promise of Jesus Himself, who declared that rivers of living water would flow from those who believe.

Throughout the pages of the New Testament, we see glimpses of this glorious future. The apostles, inspired by the Holy Spirit, carried the torch of hope, sharing the Good News of salvation. And in the book of Revelation, we catch a glimpse of the ultimate victory, when Christ returns to establish His eternal kingdom.

As we ponder these incredible truths, let's let them transform our lives. Just as Zechariah eagerly awaited the Lord's return, so should we. Let's live with a heart full of anticipation, a faith that moves mountains, and a passion to share the love of Christ with the world.

Remember, God is sovereign, and His plans will always prevail. No matter the storms we face, we can find refuge in His unwavering love. Let's fix our gaze on the spiritual horizon, where we see the dawn of a new day, a day filled with hope, peace, and eternal life. Let's embrace the Holy Spirit's power and live as faithful witnesses, ready to welcome our Lord's triumphant return.

May the living waters of God's grace flow freely within you, refreshing your soul and inspiring your heart. And as you anticipate the glorious return of our Lord, may you walk in the light of His love, sharing His hope with the world.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

December 1 -- "Mourning the Pierced One"

 Today's Reading: Zechariah 12

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Zechariah 12 speaks of a future time when God will pour out grace and compassion upon the Jewish people and the people of Jerusalem. This will lead them to grieve deeply for the One they have rejected and caused to suffer. And they’ll weep—oh, how they’ll weep!

“Him whom they have pierced” is referring to Jesus, the Son of God, being brutally crucified, and a spear thrust into His side. This act holds immense meaning, as it represents the forgiveness of sins Jesus provided through His sacrifice. In the Old Testament sacrificial system, sacrifices were made to atone for sins, but Jesus' sacrifice was the ultimate payment for our sins.

In Jesus' crucifixion and suffering, we see the depths of His love for us. The agony of crucifixion is an excruciating blend of physical torment, suffocating exhaustion, and searing pain, designed to prolong suffering while inflicting maximum humiliation and despair. Jesus' crucifixion was unique because He bore the weight of humanity's sin, experienced separation from the Father, and willingly endured the cross not as a consequence of His own guilt, but as the sinless Lamb of God, offering Himself as the ultimate sacrifice for redemption.

This prophecy about Israel’s mourning will be fulfilled when Jesus returns and the world witnesses His installation as the Messiah. When He returns, all—including the Jewish people—will acknowledge Him as their Savior and King. This realization will bring about a spiritual transformation and awakening among the Jewish people. They will mourn their past rejection of Jesus and turn to Him in repentance and belief.

Let us be moved by the sacrifice Jesus made for us and the incredible love He has for all people. Allow His spirit of grace and compassion to overwhelm you, stirring within you a desire to turn away from sin and embrace a life of devotion to Him. 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

November 30 -- "Thirty Pieces of Silver"

 Today's Reading: Zechariah 11

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Have you ever had that sinking feeling of paying too much for something? Or maybe you sold something valuable that you underpriced and received a price that was nowhere near its true value? It’s a common experience, but Zechariah shows us a painful echo of this on an eternal scale.

In Zechariah 11:13, God tells the prophet to take the measly thirty pieces of silver—the price offered for his leadership and care of Israel—and throw it to the potter. This price of “thirty pieces” was an insult, a slap in the face, as this was the value for a slave. The prophecy speaks of the tragic undervaluing of God’s love and salvation, foreshadowing the betrayal of Jesus by Judas for that same amount. How astounding that the very Son of God was “sold” for a pittance.

Zechariah’s prophecy opens our eyes to a reality: there are times we, too, undervalue what God offers us. We can treat the priceless gift of salvation with casual appreciation, prioritizing lesser things over His love and truth. Judas’s betrayal and Israel’s rejection serve as sober reminders to weigh our choices. Are we investing our lives in what’s of eternal worth? Or are we “selling” our devotion for things that don’t last?

Take a moment right now to consider how you’re valuing your relationship with God. Pray for wisdom to cherish His grace and to invest in eternal things. When tempted to “sell out” for a fleeting gain, remember the true worth of knowing Christ. A value that is immeasurable and eternal—it’s a treasure that surpasses all earthly gain, pleasures, and possessions.  Let your response reflect a heart that truly treasures

His amazing gift. Imagine selling a trinket from your attic at a garage sale for pennies. But later, you discover its true worth and realize it is a family heirloom—a rare treasure worth way more than you were paid for it. That's what happened when Judas betrayed Jesus—not realizing the infinite value of knowing the Son of God, he sold Him out for some meager silver coins. Sometimes this can happen in our own lives when we overlook the priceless worth of God’s love.

May the Lord open your eyes to the true worth of His love, that you may never settle for less than His best. And may your heart treasure Christ above all else, reflecting the immeasurable value of His sacrifice.

Friday, November 29, 2024

November 29 -- "He Shall Speak Peace"

 Today's Reading: Zechariah 9 & 10

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Visualize a world where war and conflict are replaced with lasting peace, as described in the ancient prophecy of Zechariah 9. This future vision portrays a time when nations will lay down their weapons, transforming swords (weapons of war) into plowshares (tools of peace and agriculture) and spears into pruning hooks (tools of nurture and growth). But this transformation goes beyond just physical weapons; it represents a profound shift in the deeper roots of conflict, division, and injustice that plague humanity.

This prophetic peace finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. His Second Coming will usher in a new era of reconciliation, forgiveness, and unity. Through His redemptive work, Christ breaks down the barriers that separate people from God and from one another, paving the way for genuine peace at all levels - personal, communal, and global.

Even now, as believers, we are called to be ambassadors of this prophetic peace, actively participating in God's work of reconciliation and restoration. We can do this by living out the values of the Kingdom of God - love, humility, justice, and compassion - and by proclaiming the message of salvation through Christ, which is the foundation of true and lasting peace.

In a world marked by strife and discord, our lives and witness can point others to the hope and promise of the coming Kingdom, where swords will indeed be turned into plowshares, and nations will learn war no more. By speaking peace in our words, actions, and relationships, we participate in God's redemptive work, bringing glimpses of His kingdom's peace into the present reality of a broken world. Let us be beacons of hope, shining brightly in the darkness, and pointing the way to a future of peace, love, and unity, under the reign of the Messiah.

Until Christ returns, may you be and instrument of peace and love, transforming conflict into harmony and strife into unity. As you sow seeds of kindness and compassion, may you reap a bountiful harvest of hope and reconciliation.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

November 28 -- "Grabbing Their Robe"

Today's Reading: Zechariah 8 

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Imagine a world filled with unity, worship, and joy, where people from every tongue, race, and background come together to celebrate the Lord. This is the promise of Zechariah's prophecy, a future where we'll experience the tangible presence of God and the blessings that come with it.

In this vision, we see people from all walks of life reaching out to be a part of God's people, just like the ten people who grabbed hold of the robe of a Jew in Zechariah's vision. In the ancient Near Eastern context, robes represented identity and authority. By reaching out and holding onto the robe, these people from other nations are recognizing that the Jewish people are uniquely connected to God. When they say, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you,” it’s their way of saying, "We see that you have something special—God's presence—and we want that, too!"

This prophecy points to a time when the presence of God among His people will be so evident that others are irresistibly drawn to Him through them. It foretells the day when people around the world will be drawn to the knowledge of God’s truth, recognizing His goodness in the lives of His people and seeking to experience that same blessing.

As we look back on history, we can see that this prophecy has already begun to unfold. The spread of Christianity has brought people from all nations together in worship, a beautiful example of unity and reconciliation. But this is just the beginning! Zechariah's prophecy points to an even greater fulfillment in the future when Jesus Christ returns and we see a complete and universal gathering of people from all nations to worship the Lord in unity.

What an amazing day that will be! A time of unparalleled joy, peace, love, and intimacy with God and one another. It's a promise that fills us with hope and anticipation, and it's a reminder that even in the midst of challenges and trials, we can always look forward to a brighter future. So let's keep our hearts and minds focused on this glorious vision and eagerly await the day when we'll experience it for ourselves!

Until then may the Lord's presence shine so brightly in your life that others are drawn to the light within you. May they come to say, "I want what you have," as they recognize that God is with you.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

November 27 -- "The Saddest Verse in the Bible"

 Today's Reading: Zechariah 6 & 7

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Sometimes considered the saddest verse in the Bible, Zechariah 7:13 describes God's decision to stop listening to His people due to their refusal to listen to Him. This poignant verse highlights the deep sorrow of God's response to His people's actions, showcasing the consequences of their disobedience and spiritual apathy.

The weight of God's decision to turn away from their prayers is heart-wrenching, representing a breakdown in their relationship with Him. This verse serves as a reminder that religious rituals alone cannot replace genuine repentance, obedience, faith, and righteousness. God longs for a deeper, more authentic connection with His people, one that goes beyond outward acts of piety and embraces inner transformation and intimate fellowship.

The sadness in this verse is further emphasized in the broader context of Zechariah's prophecy, where God repeatedly calls His people to return to Him wholeheartedly. Through Zechariah, God laments the waywardness of His people and urges them to prioritize listening to and obeying Him over empty religious practices.

For modern believers, this verse is a cautionary tale. It reminds us that God desires sincere devotion and obedience, not superficial displays of spirituality. We are challenged to examine our own lives and ensure that our faith is characterized by genuine repentance, heartfelt worship, a commitment to living according to God's Word, and a continual focus on listening to His "still, small voice" as He guides, convicts, and instructs us.

May the Lord of all mercy and grace open your heart and mind to truly hear His voice, soft and clear. And may you never be content with empty rituals or outward displays but be transformed from the inside out, walking humbly, listening intently, and obeying sincerely.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

November 26 -- "Not by Might, Nor by Power"

 Today's Reading: Zechariah 4 & 5

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Today's passage from Zechariah 4 presents a vivid vision of a lampstand and olive trees, symbolizing the extraordinary power of God's Spirit to overcome obstacles and accomplish His divine purposes. The lampstand, fueled by a ceaseless supply of oil from the olive trees, represents the constant flow of God's Spirit providing His people with wisdom, strength, and spiritual power. The message is unmistakable: true victory is not achieved through our own human might or effort, but by relying on the Spirit of God.

Victory in the spiritual realm is not about relying on our own limited abilities ("might" or "power"). Instead, it's about our dependence on God's supernatural strength, wisdom, and guidance. It's about recognizing our own limitations and surrendering control to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to work through us and achieve His purposes. The Spirit's enablement leads to humility, faith, and a reliance on God's sufficiency rather than our own.

Jesus reiterated the crucial role of the Holy Spirit in empowering believers for effective service. In Acts 1:8, He promised that "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you." Jesus has offered us a "continuous supply" of “olive oil for our lampstand” (the Holy Spirit's power). He is here to be our Helper, the Spirit of truth, the source of power for witnessing, the agent of conviction and guidance, and the producer of spiritual fruit in our lives.

As followers of Christ, we're called to engage in spiritual tasks that may seem daunting at times. Whether it's overcoming personal struggles, sharing the Gospel, or serving others in love, we can draw inspiration from Zechariah's vision. The message is clear: it's not by your own human effort, but by the divine effort that comes only from the Spirit of the Lord.

Today, let's embrace the truth that the same Spirit who empowered Zerubbabel is at work within us, equipping us to face any obstacle and fulfill God's calling on our lives. May we cease attempting this "Christian walk" in our own strength and start to walk in the power of the Spirit, trusting in His ability to overcome every hindrance and bring about His Kingdom purposes.

Today, may you rediscover the ever-flowing oil of God’s Spirit flowing in your life. And may the grace and power of the Holy Spirit be with you accomplishing His divine purposes.

Monday, November 25, 2024

November 25 -- "Be Silent!"

 Today's Reading: Zechariah 2 & 3

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Listen close, as we dive into the beautiful invitation to "be silent" before the Lord! This divine call invites us to step into a world of awe, reverence, and submission, where we can truly experience the presence of our Heavenly Father.

Being silent before God is more than just stopping our mouths; it's a posture of humility, stillness, and attentiveness to His ever-present love. It's about hushing our hearts, minds, and ambitions to tune in to His sweet whispers and guidance.

In the midst of our fast-paced lives, filled with noise and distractions, this call to silence becomes a precious reminder to pause, set aside our tasks, and intentionally create space for communion with Him. It's an invitation to step out of the hustle and bustle and into the stillness of His love.

As we silence ourselves before God, we acknowledge His sovereignty, wisdom, and authority. We recognize that He is in control, and we trust in His perfect plans and timing. This humble surrender allows us to align our will with His, and in doing so, we find peace and rest in His loving arms.

Moreover, being silent before God fosters a deep sense of intimacy and connection with Him. In the quiet, we can pour out our hearts to Him, express our gratitude, seek His forgiveness, and receive His love and grace abundantly.

Now, friends, let's be honest – overcoming the challenges of busyness and distraction doesn't happen overnight. It requires intentional effort, discipline, and a desire to prioritize our relationship with God. It may mean creating a quiet space for prayer and reflection, setting aside dedicated time for communion with Him, seeking guidance from spiritual mentors, and addressing any underlying issues that hinder our intimacy with God.

May the Lord help you develop a habit of silence before Him that leads to a deeper understanding of His ways, a stronger faith, and a heart filled with peace and contentment. And may you embrace this sacred call to silence and allow it to transform your life as we draw closer to our loving Creator.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

November 24 -- "Return to Me"

 Today's Reading: Zechariah 1

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Today’s key verse expresses a beautiful truth that warms our hearts and fills our spirits with joy! It's this: no matter how far we may have strayed from God's loving embrace, we're never too far to turn back and be welcomed home. It's always just one step back to the open arms of our loving Father in heaven.

Throughout the pages of Scripture, we find countless examples of people who had wandered away from God, only to be welcomed back with open arms when they repented and turned their hearts back to Him. The parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15 is a powerful reminder of this truth. Despite the son's reckless choices and rebellious ways, his father's love and forgiveness are unending when he finally returns home.

In a world filled with distractions and temptations, God's invitation to return to Him is a beacon of hope and love. Just as Zechariah called the people of his time to heed the voice of the Lord, we too are urged to listen and respond to His gentle call to come back to Him. This isn't just a suggestion, friends; it's a vital necessity for our spiritual well-being.

The message is clear: no matter how far we've wandered or how many wrong turns we've taken, God is always ready to receive us back into His loving embrace. All it takes is one sincere step of repentance, one decision to turn our hearts back to Him, and the process of restoration and reconciliation begins.

So today, let's take a moment to reflect on our hearts and lives. Are there areas where we've strayed from God's ways? Have worldly pursuits or worries taken precedence over seeking His face? Let's use this as a divine nudge to refocus our priorities and recommit ourselves to a deeper relationship with our Lord.

As we respond to His call to return, let's anticipate His faithfulness in meeting us. God longs to draw near to those who seek Him earnestly. So let's turn back to Him today, and He will return to us with open arms and overflowing love!

Saturday, November 23, 2024

November 23 -- "The Spirit In Our Midst"

 Today's Reading: Haggai 2

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Today’s verse from Haggai 2 may seem like a simplistic statement but the truth in this verse changes everything about our lives and our relationship with God. God calls us to be fearless in the face of challenges and opposition reminding us that His Spirit is in our midst.

The Israelites faced discouragement as they struggled to rebuild the Temple after their return from exile. They were weary, under-resourced, and intimidated by opposition. Yet God spoke through Haggai, reminding them that His Spirit remained in their midst—just as He had been with their ancestors during their deliverance from Egypt. His presence was constant and empowering, allowing them to press forward fearlessly.

Later on, Jesus' words in John 14:16-17 expand on this promise by revealing that the Holy Spirit would not only be with believers but would also dwell in them. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, 17even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

Today, for those of us who believe in Christ, His Spirit is not only with us, as He was for Israel, but in us—living and working through us to accomplish His purposes.

This truth changes everything for us as believers. While the Israelites had the amazing and profound experience of God’s Spirit being beside them, we have an even more intimate and powerful experience of His Spirit within us. He guides us, strengthens us, comforts us, and emboldens us from within. In our toughest battles, this indwelling presence means we never face anything alone. We can confront challenges head-on, not through our own might but through the Spirit who empowers us to live without fear.

Acknowledge and rely on the Spirit’s presence in you. When you face doubt or fear, turn to Him in prayer and invite Him to strengthen you. Memorize Haggai 2:5 and John 14:16-17 and speak them over your life, reminding yourself that God’s indwelling Spirit makes you fearless.

May the Lord fill you with the awareness of His Spirit within you. And may His presence ignite courage in your heart, allowing you to walk confidently and fearlessly in every challenge. 

Friday, November 22, 2024

November 22 -- "Purses With Holes"

Today's Reading: Haggai 1 

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Think about the allure of personal ambitions and material pursuits. It's easy to get caught up in our own world, forgetting the importance of advancing God's kingdom. Today's passage encourages us to take a step back and evaluate where we're investing our time, energy, and resources. Are we aligning ourselves with God's plans?

Haggai 1 reminds us of the time when God's people neglected the rebuilding of His house (the Temple), focusing instead on their own comforts and desires and building their own houses. When we neglect to invest in God's kingdom, we end up like those described in verse 6, reaping less than we sow, constantly struggling for basic needs like food and water, and experiencing financial instability as our earnings disappear like sand through holes in a bag. Even worse, we end up forfeiting eternal rewards that no earthly gain can replace, trading the lasting for the temporary and missing out on the joy of true, everlasting treasure.

This message extends beyond just material wealth; it's about how we spend our time, talents, and resources in all areas of life. When we put our focus on self-serving pursuits or worldly ambitions, we miss out on the joy and fulfillment that come from serving God and His kingdom.

So, let's take a moment to reflect on our priorities. Are we investing in things that truly matter in eternity, or are we chasing after temporary pleasures and pursuits that leave us feeling empty? Just as God's people were called to refocus their attention on rebuilding His house, we're challenged to prioritize spiritual investments that bring lasting fruit and glory to God.

By redirecting our efforts towards endeavors that align with God's kingdom, we not only honor Him but also experience the rich, abundant life He promises to those who seek Him first. Let's plug the holes in our purses and begin spread our resources wide, investing in the things that truly matter, and watch our lives become a testimony to the power and love of God.

May the Lord bless your pursuits, guiding you to invest your time, talents, and resources in ways that align with His will. And may your heart be filled with a sense of purpose and fulfillment as you seek to advance His kingdom.

Friday, November 15, 2024

November 15 -- "The Valley of Decision"

 Today's Reading: Joel 3

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The "Day of the Lord" is an awe-inspiring and inescapable event that calls us to be prepared and contemplative about our relationship with God. This theme of divine intervention and judgment runs throughout both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. It's not just about a single day, but rather a season in which God directly intervenes in human history to bring about His purposes.

As we explore the prophecy in Joel 3:14, we're transported to a vivid depiction of the Day of the Lord, a time of divine reckoning and ultimate judgment. This passage compels us to consider the magnitude of this event and how it affects our lives today.The imagery of the Day of the Lord in Joel's prophecy serves as a humbling reminder of God's sovereignty and justice. It's a day when all earthly powers will bow down before the majesty of the Lord. 

This truth prompts us to examine our hearts and priorities, ensuring we're living in alignment with God's will and staying ready for His return. The phrase "valley of decision" represents a pivotal moment or a crucial crossroads in human history when individuals and nations must make significant choices that have profound spiritual and eternal implications. It signifies a point in time when everyone upon Earth will be faced with a clear choice: either to align themselves with God and His righteousness or to continue in rebellion and face the consequences of their actions.

The New Testament reinforces this urgency for readiness in passages such as Matthew 24:44, where Jesus instructs us to "Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." This verse is a powerful reminder to live in a state of constant readiness for Jesus’ return.

Being "ready" doesn’t mean anxiously watching the clock; rather, it means actively cultivating a life that honors God—seeking Him daily, loving others, sharing the Gospel, and aligning our actions with His will.

To those still undecided about Jesus Christ and His message, consider this: life is fleeting, and every moment counts. Today is the day to respond. If you’re standing on the edge, unsure or waiting for a better time, know that God’s invitation is open now, but time is not guaranteed. Don’t wait until you're standing in that valley with no choice left.

Let's heed this call to readiness and reflection, not out of fear, but in faith, knowing that our hope rests securely in the promises of God. May we live each day with hearts surrendered to Him, eagerly anticipating the glorious day when He will make all things new.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

November 14 -- "The Promise of the Holy Spirit"

 Today's Reading: Joel 2

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Today, we're going to explore a beautiful promise found in the Bible, a promise that should make your heart dance with joy and excitement—the promise of a “downpour” of the Holy Spirit!

Here in Joel 2, God promises to pour out His Spirit upon His loving followers. "Pour out" means to give in abundance, to shower us with the blessings of the Holy Spirit in an overflowing manner. One vivid example of "pouring out" is a rainstorm breaking after a long drought. Imagine the ground, cracked and dry, desperate for water, and then the sky opens, releasing a downpour. The rain soaks deep into the soil, bringing refreshment and life where there was once only barrenness.

This promise began to come true on the day of Pentecost, as recorded in second chapter of Acts. On that day, the Holy Spirit was poured out on the disciples in Jerusalem, just like Joel prophesied. This marked the start of a new era, where believers would experience visions, dreams, and prophecies - direct communications from God!

"Visions" are supernatural experiences where we receive insights and revelations from God, often accompanied by vivid images. These visions can help us understand spiritual truths, receive guidance, or see symbolic messages from our loving Father. "Dreams" are another way God speaks to us. Not all dreams are from God, but those that are, carry important messages, insights, and instructions to help us navigate life's challenges and make decisions that align with His will. "Prophecy" is the ability to powerfully share God's messages, truths, and revelations under the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Those who prophesy communicate God's heart, intentions, warnings, and promises to individuals or communities.

As followers of Christ, we should respond to this amazing promise by seeking, receiving, and walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit's presence and power in our lives. Seek His presence, be open to His outpouring, and earnestly desire spiritual gifts. Allow the Holy Spirit to empower and embolden you to be a witness for Christ.

May the loving presence of the Holy Spirit be poured out upon you, like a refreshing rain, filling your heart with joy and guidance. May you receive visions of His love, dreams of His promises, and prophetic words that empower you to share His message with the world.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

November 13 -- "A Solemn Assembly"

 Today's Reading: Joel 1

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Just as the prophet Joel called for a "solemn assembly" during times of crisis, so too do we need to cry out to the Lord in our moments of need—individually and collectively. In the face of adversity, when calamities befall our lands and trials afflict us and our communities, we are reminded of the importance of seeking God's intervention. Today’s verse from Joel 1 exhorts us to gather in prayer, not just as individuals, but as a collective body, united in our quest for His guidance and provision.

Prayer changes things! It has the power to transform us, to soften our hearts and guide us toward a path of repentance, reconciliation, and renewed purpose. As we seek God's will, our attitudes and actions change, and we experience a profound shift in our relationships and communities.

When we pray, we invite God into the affairs of our lives, and He has a remarkable ability to work wonders beyond our comprehension. Throughout history, prayer has brought about miraculous interventions, breakthroughs, and solutions to seemingly insurmountable challenges. It testifies to God's sovereignty and His willingness to act on our behalf when we seek Him with all our hearts.

So, let us gather together in a spirit of unity and humility, to lift our voices in prayer as a community and as a nation. Let us come before God with a sense of reverence and earnestness, acknowledging our dependence on His grace and mercy.

Don’t be hesitant to call for a solemn assembly as Joel did with an unwavering trust in God's ability to change things. Let us approach every situation with a prayerful heart, knowing that our heavenly Father is always at work, longing to make all things work together for good according to His perfect will.

May the grace of God surround you in your times of need, and may His wisdom guide you as you navigate the challenges that beset you. And may you heed Scripture’s call to individual and collective prayer. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

November 12 -- "Shining Like Stars Forever"

 Today's Reading: Daniel 12

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Imagine a vast, dark sky, filled with countless twinkling stars. Each star, a beacon of hope and guidance, shining brightly to lead sailors and travelers through the night. That's the kind of impact we can have when we point others towards God. Just as the stars light up the sky, our actions can illuminate the path for others to find their way to righteousness.

Now, picture a person embarking on a personal journey of transformation. They encounter the grace, forgiveness, and power of God, and it's like a spark igniting a fire within them. This personal growth, healing, and restoration not only benefits the individual but also ripples out to their relationships and decisions, spreading a wave of truth and righteousness.

As we guide others along this journey, we create a legacy of faithfulness and integrity that shapes the lives of those around us. Families, churches, and communities are all touched by the wisdom of turning many to righteousness. It's like planting seeds of love and light that bear fruit for generations to come.

In Proverbs 11:30, we're reminded that the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and that whoever captures souls is wise. This verse speaks to the wisdom of leading others to righteousness, likening it to planting trees that bear life-giving fruit. As we engage in this noble endeavor, we not only demonstrate wisdom but also participate in God's redemptive work, bringing light and hope to a world in need.

The rewards of our efforts are not only felt in this lifetime but also extend into eternity. As the apostle Paul wrote, the work we do for God's kingdom will be rewarded (1 Corinthians 3:14). When we invest our time and energy in leading others to righteousness, we're aligning ourselves with God's purposes, ensuring a lasting impact that goes beyond our years on this earth.

May the light of God's love and wisdom guide you on your journey, as you lead others towards righteousness and the path of everlasting life. May your heart be filled with hope, your mind with clarity, and your spirit with the promise of eternal reward.

Monday, November 11, 2024

November 11 -- "Unshaken by Deception"

 Today's Reading: Daniel 11

►Click HERE to view today's "Word from the Word"

In the face of spiritual deception and the rise of the Antichrist in the last days, the most powerful defense believers have is knowing God deeply. It is this intimate knowledge of His character, His Word, and His promises that enables us to discern lies and stand firm in truth.

Including here in Daniel 11, the Bible repeatedly warns that in the last days, many will be seduced by deceitful flattery. The Antichrist and false teachers will lead people astray, particularly those who have already turned away from God’s covenant. But the key contrast in verse 32 is that those who know their God will not only stand firm but will act boldly. Knowing God isn't just intellectual—it’s relational. It’s about having a heart aligned with Him, which gives believers clarity in confusion and strength in weakness.

We live in a time when deception is on the rise—through media, false doctrines, and misguided ideologies. The end times will intensify this. The more we know God—His truth, His love, His person, and His purposes—the less vulnerable we are to being swayed by false teachings. This ‘knowing” isn’t passive knowledge or merely information stored in our brain; it’s an active, living relationship with God from our hearts that roots us in His Word. Those who are anchored in this relational knowledge of God are equipped to resist the Antichrist and endure trials without being deceived.

To grow in our knowing of God, we need to immerse ourselves in His Word, cultivate a consistent prayer life, and stay connected to the body of Christ for accountability and encouragement. As we deepen our relationship with Him, we build discernment, courage, and steadfastness, enabling us to stand firm against deceivers and the Antichrist in these final days.

The “action” believers take is an outward expression of their faith in God—a courageous stance of truth, righteousness, perseverance, and proclamation of the Gospel. Their deep knowledge of God equips them not just to survive but to advance His kingdom in the midst of difficult challenges.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

November 10 -- "Invisible Warfare"

 Today's Reading: Daniel 10

►Click HERE to view today's "Word from the Word"

In Daniel 10 we delve into the mysterious world of unseen spiritual warfare. This unseen battle unfolds between powerful, otherworldly forces - angels and demons, light and darkness - as they wrestle for control and influence. This ethereal conflict impacts our lives in ways we might not even realize, as we navigate the twists and turns of our earthly journeys.

In the passage, we witness a glimpse of this celestial tug-of-war as the archangel Michael reveals the cause of his delay in answering Daniel's prayers. The "prince of the kingdom of Persia," a demonic entity, was the roadblock hindering the divine messenger's response. Similarly, in our lives, unseen spiritual warfare can manifest as persistent temptations, spiritual attacks, or obstacles that hinder our prayers and progress. These battles often intensify when we're experiencing spiritual growth, deepening our relationship with God, or impacting others for the Kingdom of God. Invariably this battle intensifies as the Lord begins to use our lives as instruments for reaching others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Understanding this unseen spiritual warfare is crucial for believers. It helps us recognize the spiritual forces at play, rather than attributing every challenge to natural circumstances alone. This awareness inspires us to engage in strategic spiritual practices like prayer, fasting, and wielding the power of God's Word and the Holy Spirit to combat the forces of darkness.

So, let's heed the wise advice of Ephesians 6: "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil." As we face the challenges the invisible forces of darkness, let's remain vigilant and equipped with spiritual discernment, knowing that our battles are not just physical, but spiritual. As a Christ follower, you gain victory over the unseen forces of darkness by standing firm in faith, using the armor of God—especially the Word of God and prayer—and by relying on the authority and power of Jesus Christ, who has already triumphed over evil.

May you be armed with the full armor of God, and may your faith be strengthened to stand against the forces of darkness. And when the dawn breaks, may you emerge victorious, knowing that the One who dwells within you is greater than any challenge that comes your way.