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Friday, January 31, 2025

January 31 -- "Risen! Divine Metamorphosis"

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Read Mark 16

The story of humanity began in a state of perfect harmony with God, free from pain, death, or decay. But in Genesis 3, sin crept into the world through Adam and Eve's disobedience, bringing with it sorrow, suffering, and mortality. But, even in humanity's darkest hour, God's light of redemption shone brightly: He promised that the offspring of the woman would crush the serpent's head (Genesis 3:15).

This promise found its ultimate fulfillment in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The angel's words at the empty tomb declared a triumphant truth—Jesus, who was crucified but now risen, has forever defeated the power of sin and death.

Consider the caterpillar, which begins its life crawling in the dirt, seemingly small, fragile, and bound to the earth. Its existence might appear limited, and its future bleak. Yet, hidden within this unassuming creature is a divine design for transformation. Through the mysterious process of metamorphosis, the caterpillar enters a cocoon—a place that might seem like death to an observer. But what emerges is something entirely new: a butterfly, free to soar above the earth with wings of vibrant beauty.

In the same way, Jesus’ death and resurrection demonstrate God’s power to bring life from what seems hopeless and dead. On Good Friday, the disciples saw their Master laid in a tomb, His body broken, His mission seemingly ended. But the tomb, like a cocoon, was not a place of finality—it was a place of transformation. On Resurrection Sunday, Jesus emerged victorious, no longer bound by the limitations of mortality. His resurrection promises that all who trust in Him will likewise experience transformation—passing from death to life, from sorrow to joy, from brokenness to glory, and from sin’s curse to eternal life.

This profound transformation encourages us to see beyond our current struggles, trusting that God is working all things for our good and His glory. The resurrection guarantees that, in Christ, the best is yet to come. May He transform your heart with His victory, lift your spirit with His hope, and guide your steps into the fullness of His eternal life.

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