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Friday, January 24, 2025

January 24 -- "Evangelophobia"

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One of the most joyous and thrilling experiences for a follower of Christ is sharing God's truth with others. Unfortunately, some people struggle with "evangelophobia," the fear of sharing the Gospel. But take heart, because the Holy Spirit provides an incredible opportunity to join Him in touching lives with God’s truth.

In Mark chapter 13, Jesus delivers a serious discourse about future persecution, the end times, and His second coming. During this profound message, He reassures His disciples that when they face persecution (and they will), they won't need to worry about what to say because the Holy Spirit will give them the words to speak. This amazing promise applies to us today as well!

Imagine this: standing before someone, even your toughest critic, ready to share the wonderful message of Christ, and the Holy Spirit astounds you by placing the perfect words on your heart! You suddenly recall Bible verses you haven't thought of in months, or even years. You have no idea how those words came to you, but you feel an extraordinary boldness, and you share what the Lord has given you.

Sharing your faith through the Holy Spirit is a beautiful collaboration between your spirit and His. Supernaturally and mysteriously, He guides you with gentle nudges, placing thoughts and feelings on your heart to create a powerful and genuine message that resonates with the listener. Your words become infused with the Holy Spirit's power, leaving a lasting impact.

Building a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit is essential to overcoming "evangelophobia." Pray, spend time in God's presence, study Scripture, and take small steps to share your faith. Remember, with faith and the Holy Spirit by your side, you can face any situation. So the next time you feel that nervous flutter before sharing your faith, don't be afraid! Pray, ask for the Holy Spirit's anointing, and watch as the evangelophobia disappears from your life. Let go of any anxiety about sharing your faith. When the moment comes, He will equip you with the perfect words, a gentle nudge in the right direction, and His still small voice in your heart.

May the peace of Christ be with you as you venture into new and uncharted waters. May He remind you of the incredible promise Jesus made — the Holy Spirit will be there to guide and empower you to be His witness.

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