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Imagine trying to reach outer space with a
ladder—impossible, right? That's exactly what Jesus meant in Mark 10:27 when He
said achieving eternal life is “impossible” for mankind. In the context of a
rich young ruler asking how to inherit eternal life, Jesus' words point to a
profound spiritual truth: salvation isn't something we can earn or achieve by
human effort, no matter how hard we try.
Why is that? Well, let’s dive into a few key reasons:
First off, our very nature is marred by sin. Romans 3:23
reminds us, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Our sin creates a chasm between us and God that good deeds alone can't bridge.
No matter how morally upright we may be, our inherent sinfulness keeps us from
reaching God’s glory on our own.
Secondly, salvation demands a level of righteousness that's
humanly unattainable. Isaiah 64:6 paints a vivid picture, saying that our “righteous
acts,” which seem so upright and virtuous to us, are “filthy rags” before a
holy God. The standard for entering God’s kingdom is perfection, and let’s face
it, we’re far from perfect.
Lastly, the journey to salvation isn't just about what we do
outwardly, but about a profound inner transformation that only God can bring
about. Jesus explained this to Nicodemus in John 3:3, saying, "Unless one
is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." This rebirth is a
spiritual metamorphosis initiated and completed by God's Spirit, not by our own
When Jesus says, "With man it is impossible," He’s
steering us away from self-reliance and towards God-dependence. It’s a call to
recognize our own helplessness and lean entirely on God's grace.
But here’s the incredible news—what’s impossible for us is
entirely possible for God. When Jesus adds, "but not with God," He
introduces us to the awe-inspiring truth that God transcends human limitations.
What we can’t achieve through our own strength, wisdom, or resources, God
accomplishes effortlessly. The humanly impossible task of earning salvation is
surpassed by God’s infinite power to save, redeem, and transform.
Take heart and embrace the profound truth that salvation is
a divine gift beyond our own efforts. As we navigate life's challenges, let us
fully depend on God's grace, knowing that His limitless power can achieve what
we alone cannot.
Today, may you rest in the assurance of God's grace, knowing that through Him—and only through Him--the impossible becomes possible.
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