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Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 16 -- "Bring it to Jesus"


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Life is filled with challenges that seem insurmountable, but Mark 9:15-19 reminds us that no problem is too great when brought to Jesus. In this passage, a father faces the torment of his son's demonic possession, a trial beyond his strength to resolve. Yet, even in the face of doubt and human failure, Jesus proves once again that He is the answer.

The disciples' inability to cast out the demon highlights the limitations of human effort apart from reliance on God. This moment underscores a critical truth: faith is essential to overcoming what seems impossible. Jesus laments the lack of belief, addressing a "faithless generation" in verse 19, pointing to the heart of the issue—our need for dependence on and faith in Him.

We often rely on our own abilities or ingenuity, expecting to manage life's burdens alone, only to grow weary and discouraged. Just as the disciples failed when they acted without prayerful reliance on God, we falter when we forget to involve Jesus in our struggles. Faith is not passive; it actively trusts in God's power to intervene and redeem.

Bring your insurmountable challenges to Jesus today—your fears, failures, needs, and frustrations. Pray in faith, believing He can do what you cannot. Jesus works best when we step out of His way and stop trying to do the work ourselves. Trust His timing and power to work through your challenges for His glory.

Think of a child holding a kite in strong wind. Though the child lacks the strength to control the wind, they trust the string to anchor their efforts. Likewise, our faith connects us to God's power, enabling what we cannot achieve on our own.

May the Lord strengthen your faith and lift your eyes to see His power at work in your challenges. May He grant you peace as you trust Him with what feels impossible.

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