Today’s Reading: Psalm 10, 14, & 15
The dictionary defines “fool” as a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person; a person who lacks good sense or judgment. The word “fool” in Psalm 14:1 comes from a Hebrew root word which means a person who has no perception of ethical and spiritual truth. This person is senseless, empty-headed, and foolish. It doesn’t mean “unintelligent” in the academic sense. Atheists, for example, are often very intelligent and bright people – from a scholastic point of view. But, tragically, they show they lack true wisdom by saying "there is no God."
The reality is that an overwhelming majority of people believe in God, or in some form of “higher power” or “intelligent designer.” A 2017 study by the Pew Research Center confirmed that 84 percent of the global population believes in God or “a god.” This same study confirmed that only 7 percent of the world’s population openly claims to be atheistic.*
do so many of us believe in God or higher powers? Because God has placed that
belief into the heart of every human being. Our DNA is “hard-wired” with the
instinctive sense that there is a Supreme Being. Recent University studies in
the fields of developmental psychology and cognitive science propose that our
“foundational belief in theism is ingrained in our DNA.”* Thus, atheism is an
acquired position taken only by a very small percent of people. They take this
position by choice because “they did not like to
retain God in their knowledge”
is a sad reality that some people choose darkness over light and knowingly
reject their inborn awareness of God. David calls these people “fools” because,
by rejecting the knowledge of God, they are in-fact acting against their own
best interest. They may have great intellect, but they lack good sense and
judgment when it comes to the things of eternity. Tragically, those who make
the choice to deny the truth about God will be given up to their foolish beliefs.
As Romans 1 goes on to tell us, “And since they did not see
fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to
do what ought not to be done… Though they know God’s righteous decree that
those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give
approval to those who practice them.” (Romans 1:28 & 32)
As we consider the Christ-follower’s
approach to an unbelieving world around us, we should keep a couple of things
in mind. First, that a majority of people we meet recognize deep within their
soul that there is “a supreme being” of some sort. We must be always ready to guide these
people to a saving faith in the one true God and salvation through His Only
Son, Jesus Christ. Second, although there is a small minority who have
convinced themselves to reject God’s truth, we have no way of knowing who they
are. Thus we must always be prepared “to make a defense to
anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with
gentleness and respect.” (1 Peter 3:15)
(Source: Person of Interest; © 2021 by J. Warner Wallace)